Foreword | | | Dear WBICC e-Bulletin Readers,
With the next COP - in Durban, South Africa - around the corner, stakeholders are gearing up to address pending issues that are considered relevant for the upcoming negotiations; among others, two conferences for African Ministers of Agriculture and Energy, respectively, were such events supported by the WBI Climate Change (WBICC) Practice, where lessons were shared and potential steps for the immediate and longer-term future identified. In October, we convened expert teams from seven Asian countries for the launch of the Asia Mitigation Action Implementation Network (MAIN) in Thailand, and identified thematic areas that will be covered in subsequent videoconferences as part of this initiative.
Videoconferences as a means to support knowledge sharing and coalition building were also used in the WBI Global Dialogue Series on Climate Change: "The Road to Durban" - besides providing a platform for South-South knowledge exchange for our stakeholders and clients, such offerings enable us to keep a close connection with new developments. This is a crucial asset that informs - in alignment with our donors and partners - both the development of new learning products, and drafting and implementation of low-emissions climate-resilient development plans on the ground.
Amidst an uncertain atmosphere the demand for our regional Carbon Fora has remained high (e.g. in the case of the Latin America Carbon Forum a record number of more than 960 registered participants). This is an indicator that there is a desire to understand the situation, latest trends and make new business and knowledge connections. It may also be a reflection of the evolvement of topics covered by our regional Fora - new, emerging concepts and approaches have been included to offer participants a full spectrum.
A capacity building menu of regional fora/South-South knowledge exchange events, structured learning programs, and implementation support on the ground enables us to sustainably address the challenges of climate change.
We hope you enjoy reading about the progress of our work in this new edition of our e-Bulletin, and look forward to hearing back from you,
WBI Climate Change Practice - | | | HIGHLIGHTS | | | | | VOICES & REFLECTIONS | | | | | | NEWS FROM OUR Five PROGRAMS | | | Low Emissions and Climate Resilient Development | | |  | In October, the team launched the Mitigation Action Implementation Network (MAIN) Asia in Phuket, Thailand; the event was attended by cross-sectoral, five-person expert core teams from China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam. Per our MAIN concept, participants will have the opportunity to take our e-learning course on Low Carbon Development, and engage in a continuous dialogue among peers through video conference sessions; towards the eventual goal of identifying and designing Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) and the elaboration of Low-Emissions Development Strategies (LEDS). The teams have identified the thematic areas to cover in the next video conferences, and a global MAIN webinar will be held after the outcomes of Durban become clear. In Latin America, where the regional MAIN was launched in March 2011, the second regional face-to-face academy will take place in November in Santiago, Chile. In a mission to Amman, Jordan in September, the team met with local stakeholders to launch a capacity building program that aims to build awareness on LED, and climate finance; and supports the development of a NAMA.
| | | Carbon and Climate Finance | | |  | The team conducted three regional Carbon Fora - in July, the Africa Carbon Forum (1,100 participants); in September, the India Carbon Conclave (250 participants) and the Latin America Carbon Forum (962 participants). A facilitated delivery of our e-course on CDM/JI is currently ongoing, and the first core delivery of our CDM PoA e-course is scheduled for November. In early October, the team has supported a workshop on standardized baselines and CDM reform in Paris, France which was among others attended by ten representatives of DNA's. This workshop will inform aspects of our future work on Carbon Finance Assist.
| | | | Energy | | |  | Our first e-course on Public Procurement of Energy Efficiency Services was offered in September; two additional courses are currently being developed - on Energy Efficiency in Public Buildings, and Tapping Carbon Market for Energy Efficiency Projects in Public Buildings, respectively. The team has supported the African Energy Ministers' Conference - On the Road to Durban: Promoting Sustainable Energy Access in Africa - in Johannesburg, South Africa where lessons were shared which will inform steps to address energy poverty on the continent.
| | | Cities and Climate Change | | |  | In our Cities and Climate Change program, we have among others completed the production of an e-course which will be offered for the first time in November. Two sessions under the WBI Global Dialogue dealt with city-related topics. The team conducted the final workshop in Jakarta under the Carbon Finance Capacity Building (CFCB) program; currently, consultations for a potential second phase of the program are ongoing.
| | | Climate-Smart Agriculture and Forestry | | |  | The program team organized several side events focusing on Agriculture and Forestry linked to Durban COP 17 for policy makers and climate negotiators from Africa, and Middle East, and is preparing several e-courses through new WBI e-institute platform. In late October/November, the team is supporting two REDD-related workshops in Latin America (in Costa Rica and Panama, respectively). - Apply by November 18th: e-Learning Course - Public Private Partnerships (PPP) - Improving Irrigation Performance from December 1-15, 2011
- Saving Forests and Reducing Carbon Emissions
- WBI Global Dialogues on Climate Change: Adaptation, Food Security and Rural Development
- AWA-WBI training event on Climate Change and Sustainable Land-Water Management, Abu Dhabi, UAE, October 2-6,2011
- China-Africa High Level Experience Sharing Program on Agriculture and Rural Development, Beijing, China, September 4-10, 2011
| | | | | USEFUL LINKS | | | | | ABOUT US | | | Welcome to:
- Chandni Dinakaran, Consultant
- Monali Ranade, Senior Environmental Specialist
- Rusmir Music, Consultant
- Xiaochen Zhang, Consultant
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